Meet the parts of myself!

Here I show you the inner workings of my mind and self to illustrate how Parts Work Therapy occurs.


Whether it be with dolls or "talking it through" it is an intuitive process whereby one feels out the different energies of the self. 


These different energies are the parts of the self that culminate into your whole person.


Exploring the different understandings and opinions of your different parts can be of great value to your understanding of yourself and how you have put your sometimes controversial opinions together.


Some energies of self or parts have come about due to trauma and can be healed through Parts Work.


Here I illustrate a more intuitive way of working with the parts (other than "talking it out";


I call this Doll Therapy!


Enjoy my evolving self through these artful comics.


This will give you an idea of how you might work with your own self energies or parts!


With love,

Elaine M. Mullin